FoRB Fellow - Topic Vote Fields marked with an * are required Topic 1: Religious leaders to creating co-expiating in the community Topic 1: Religious leaders to creating co-expiating in the community Broad Public Appeal * Tangible goal achievable within three months * Leverages the strength of the cohort * How excited are you about this topic? * Divider Topic 2: Analyze how religious freedom interacts with the rights of religious minorities, including indigenous religions Topic 2: Analyze how religious freedom interacts with the rights of religious minorities, including indigenous religions Broad Public Appeal * Tangible goal achievable within three months * Leverages the strength of the cohort * How excited are you about this topic? * Divider Topic 3: Advocating for FoRB in prisons and detention centers - ensuring equal access to religious instruction and worship activities, particularly for religious minorities. Topic 3: Advocating for FoRB in prisons and detention centers - ensuring equal access to religious instruction and worship activities, particularly for religious minorities. Broad Public Appeal * Tangible goal achievable within three months * Leverages the strength of the cohort * How excited are you about this topic? * Divider Topic 4: Religious coexistence and role of FoRB in the times of war Topic 4: Religious coexistence and role of FoRB in the times of war Broad Public Appeal * Tangible goal achievable within three months * Leverages the strength of the cohort * How excited are you about this topic? * Divider Topic 5: The Role of Religious and Community leaders in promoting FoRB Topic 5: The Role of Religious and Community leaders in promoting FoRB Broad Public Appeal * Tangible goal achievable within three months * Leverages the strength of the cohort * How excited are you about this topic? * Divider Topic 6: Strengthening FoRB in South Asia: Role of Civil Societies Topic 6: Strengthening FoRB in South Asia: Role of Civil Societies Broad Public Appeal * Tangible goal achievable within three months * Leverages the strength of the cohort * How excited are you about this topic? * Divider Topic 7: Women and FoRB Topic 7: Women and FoRB Make visible the role of women in promoting FoRB, make visible the disproportionate impacts of FoRB violations on women and promote transformative responses, centralize the importance of FoRB for advancing gender justice, strengthening women’s leadership in promoting FoRB Broad Public Appeal * Tangible goal achievable within three months * Leverages the strength of the cohort * How excited are you about this topic? * Divider Topic 8: Creating Safe Religious Spaces for Children Topic 8: Creating Safe Religious Spaces for Children Broad Public Appeal * Tangible goal achievable within three months * Leverages the strength of the cohort * How excited are you about this topic? * Divider Topic 9: Religious Freedom and Social Cohesion Topic 9: Religious Freedom and Social Cohesion. We could explore how religious freedom can coexist with efforts to foster social cohesion in increasingly multicultural and multi-religious societies. Broad Public Appeal * Tangible goal achievable within three months * Leverages the strength of the cohort * How excited are you about this topic? * Divider Topic 10: Gross violations or FoRB in the Uyghur region of China (aka Xinjiang) Topic 10: Gross violations or FoRB in the Uyghur region of China (aka Xinjiang) Broad Public Appeal * Tangible goal achievable within three months * Leverages the strength of the cohort * How excited are you about this topic? * Divider Topic 11: The role of Education in countering Religious Hate speech Topic 11: The role of Education in countering Religious Hate speech Advocating on Legislations on Hate speech and religion protection. Broad Public Appeal * Tangible goal achievable within three months * Leverages the strength of the cohort * How excited are you about this topic? * Divider Topic 12: Protection of FoRB defenders as human rights defenders, including religious leaders and broader FoRB advocates Topic 12: Protection of FoRB defenders as human rights defenders, including religious leaders and broader FoRB advocates Broad Public Appeal * Tangible goal achievable within three months * Leverages the strength of the cohort * How excited are you about this topic? * Divider Topic 13: Countering disinformation: Disinformation leads to conflict Topic 13: Countering disinformation Disinformation leads to conflict. It can shape our perception and change our attitude. Knowing the truth is vital to preventing conflict. How can we as youth advocates play a role in countering disinformation? Broad Public Appeal * Tangible goal achievable within three months * Leverages the strength of the cohort * How excited are you about this topic? * Divider Topic 14: Raising awareness and advocacy amongst stakeholders on FoRB and its legal local and international instruments. Exploring how relevant FoRB matters mostly during the elections period Topic 14: Raising awareness and advocacy amongst stakeholders on FoRB and its legal local and international instruments. Exploring how relevant FoRB matters mostly during the elections period Broad Public Appeal * Tangible goal achievable within three months * Leverages the strength of the cohort * How excited are you about this topic? * Divider Topic 15: Advocating for the release of religious prisoners of conscience Topic 15: Advocating for the release of religious prisoners of conscience Broad Public Appeal * Tangible goal achievable within three months * Leverages the strength of the cohort * How excited are you about this topic? * If you are a human seeing this field, please leave it empty.